Pests can cause problems in your house when not addressed properly. When the infestation problem is uncontrollable, there must be drastic pest control measures done to eliminate these critters.

Now you’re trying to figure out if ultrasonic pest repellers does the trick and how do they work. This post will help you find out if you need ultrasonic pest repellents to eliminate these unwanted creatures in your household.

How Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work?

As homeowners, we need to take immediate action for pest control, and you don’t want any mice running around the house. There are many options you can simply find other than traps or pesticides. If traps don’t work, it’s time to think of another solution.

Scientific evidence finds that pests may cause damage to our property or really worse health problems. The scientific research and studies released by the World Health Organization (WHO) educate the public of the enteric and eye infections transmitted by flies and insects. [1]

Ultrasonic pest repellent claims to repel pests (e.g., rodents and insects) can cause disturbance to the theses pests by emitting vibrations and ultrasound waves that penetrate behind walls. The bugs and rodents cannot tolerate the ultrasonic sound and vibrations; thus, the pests need to stay away.

Are These Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Effective?

Upon our research, studies, and according to some consumer reviews, it even claims that electronic pest repeller devices really live up to their product and manufacturers promise. Remember that the whole pest control process could take time. It works silently (literally because you can’t hear the sound), and the goal is not achieved overnight.

It doesn’t work like traps where the results can be available in an instant, and it doesn’t have the same mechanism as traps.
The effectiveness of these devices also depends if you utilize it well (depending on manufacturers’ instruction or where you plug it), just like traps where you have to follow the instructions on its use to see it work.

You must simply consider the area coverage of one unit to see it working well in your home (because it will work with its high-frequency sound and vibration). Some ultrasonic devices could cover 1,000 square feet; however, other ultrasonic pest repellents can cover 2,000 square feet and can penetrate behind walls.

If you do not place many ultrasonic pest repellents around your home, you may not appreciate the results. Pests such as rodents will continue to annoy your house.

How Long do Ultrasonic Pest Repellents Last?

Quality ultrasonic pest repellents should have no problem in repelling pests such as rodents for three to five years or even more, this is according to some research. But these devices could wear years sooner with continuous use.

How long can you notice if the results of these devices are effective? According to research, you should simply notice a significant drop in pests activity in one to two weeks upon the initial use of these devices.

pests and dirt

The Best Type of Ultrasonic Pest Repellent Devices

One thing you should look for in the ultrasonic pest control devices is its wide coverage. According to research, these devices must be able to emit high-frequency sound and electromagnetic waves.

The best type of electronic pest control device to utilize is still the ones that can emit both ultrasound and vibrations.

Which Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Works Best?

According to our research, you should pick popular pest control devices with a frequency range used is at least 50-60Hz. For a house with two-story floors, this is a good pick for pest control devices.

When one picks ultrasonic pest repellers, the first thing to consider is it must be safe for humans and small pets. Some reviews claim that the frequencies of these devices are effective in getting rid of cockroaches, insects, rodents, and even spiders.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are These Devices Safe?

The weak sound waves and limited range are safe for the people inside the household. Human ears cannot detect the noise of a pest control device. On the other hand, pests such as a rodent, insect, and other little critters have a more sensitive hearing and will not get used to these sounds.

However, other pets can hear high-frequency sounds and get irritated too. Other animals keep ignoring the ultrasonic sound waves, but if it’s too loud, they might get frightened or annoyed.

Though no physical harm is at stake, when using these pest repellers, just try to strategically place these devices away from your pets to make them feel comfortable.

A good feature some of these devices would even promote safety because of its LED light, and it can help as a night light.

What Kind of Pests Do These Devices Repel?

These ultrasonic pest repellers claim to control pest activity of:

  • Rodent
  • Spiders
  • Insect
  • Flies
  • Cockroach
  • Ants
  • Fleas
  • Termites
  • Bees
  • Wasps
  • Ants
  • Squirrels
  • Snakes
  • Mouse

There is no scientific evidence to back that using these devices can eliminate bed bugs or myriapods. Although if you want to remove bed bugs, you can try a spray with a vacuum designed for bed bugs.


Do These Devices Work on Flies and Spiders?

The sound waves produced by ultrasonic devices are intolerable to both spiders and flies. Many of the pest control devices are popular and claim to work by repelling insects, rodents, mice, and other pests.

Are Ultrasonic Pest Repellents They Safe for Dogs?

There are claims that dogs can hear the sound from ultrasonic pest repellers, but they will just keep ignoring it and might get used to it since the frequency is too low for them. Hamsters can hear them too because they’re basically cousins with a mouse.

Pests such as a rodent and insect have a more sensitive hearing; that’s why it irritates them more and can be effective. There are no proven risks toward their safety while using ultrasonic pest repellent.

Bottom Line:

Do ultrasonic pest repellers work? As long as you have the right coverage for your home, significant results may become visible for pest control. You may see a significant drop in rodent and insect activity in the house.

If you liked this article, share it with others, and comment below. Also, check out my reviews of the best electronic pest repellers available.